Why Repair When You Can Prevent?
When we think of the word botox many of us associate this term with anti aging, however, with today’s innovative technologies, doctors have completely changed the way we can use this treatment. Rather than waiting for our inevitable lines to appear, you can now PREVENT this occurrence by applying a lower volume of units, commonly referred to as “Baby Botox”.
I am almost twenty four years young, yet I noticeably started to see fine lines on my forehead and in between my brows. I, like many others, had the misconception that this was due to aging. After conversing with the experts at Treats Injectable Bar, they explained that these lines were due to strong facial muscles and my powerful facial expressions that came from my years in theatre and acting.
How Does The Treatment Differ For Younger Patients?
The typical dose for a botox injection is around sixteen to twenty units per area. Since I am in my early twenties, Treats Injectable Bar used lower dose micro-injections by inserting twelve units between my eyes and ten units across my forehead. Within three days I noticed a smoother appearance of frown lines. Baby botox works on reducing the facial muscles, rather than freezing them. I am pleased to say that this did not limit any of my muscle movement!
According to Dr. Vafas assistant Nina, “One of our main discoveries is that it is better to PREVENT now, than to treat later. If someone has strong expressions or strong facial muscles, they may require treatment a little bit earlier, rather than waiting until the lines become too deep or present at rest.” (Nina Galittli, P.A)
Nina Galittli, P.A-C Dermatology
Can Preventative Botox Help Me Long Term?
The idea is to keep skin healthy and beat the clock, which will repair the face before any damage becomes apparent, The smaller doses allow for you to still maintain a natural appearance, while the minor doses of Botulinum toxin help to repair the beginning stages of wrinkles and fine lines. This treatment combines the erasing or healing of current damage, while preventing further issues in the future which would require more serious treatment.
Does Botox Hurt?
I personally have a low tolerance to pain and I felt very minimal discomfort. However, the nurse practitioner or physician's assistant can provide you with a stress ball if needed! And remember, beauty knows no pain.
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